Monday, May 29, 2017

Melatonin wakes you up

This has been the longest week of my mission.  No matter if you are transferring or not, transfer week is always long.  It is longer when your companion is sick and you are stuck inside all day.  Here are some highlights, though, for things that did happen:

Bobby Service:  We helped Bobby rake the sides of his house all the leaves with the help of some elders.  We got it done in two days of a couple of hours each day which would have taken him a few weeks being blind.  The mosquito's those days weren't so bad as they have been.  The mosquito's are bigger here in Alaska than what I am used to back in Texas and I hear that the ones in Fairbanks are like three times the size than the ones here in Wasilla.  Not looking forward to that if I ever go.

Car Port:  We had fun at a district service helping to put up this investigator's car port she bought which took us forever.  We had put on the covering before the doors which was skipped and had to turn the cover and the whole thing itself around multiple times to get things done.  Though I am glad we had the whole district helping or else we would have been there way longer.  When we were about to leave the lady came up to us to say goodbye and talked to us for a further 25 minutes.  We had to go when we were wanting to leave but then we really had to go when we finally left.  I saw one of the elders laughing at the situation because he knew we were trying to leave the whole time we were talking to her.

Prayer Knot:  I learned an object lesson while I was an EFY counselor about how prayer and the scriptures answers our concerns and problems in life.  As our spiritual thought at dinners lately we have been doing it.  They have to figure out how to put a knot in the scarf without letting go of their hands once on the scarf.  We see it time and time again the members struggling to figure this out.  The wife at this dinner said to her husband, "it's how you pick it up".  So the husband laid the scarf down on the ground and said, "Sup?  How you doing?"  in a New York accent and starting using pick-up lines to "pick up" the scarf.  By far the funniest and best way we've seen it done.  If only we were recording that.  We then read 2 Nephi 32:9, which says "pray always" and show them they must fold their arms like they are praying.  They then pick up the scarf and make a knot by unfolding their arms.  I know the scriptures help us find answers to our questions we have and give us solutions to our struggles in life.  All it takes is reading them daily to find those answers.

Birthday Party:  A companionship of elders both had their birthday this week two days apart from each other.  We decided to throw them a birthday party on the day in between their birthdays to celebrate.  We bought cupcakes for the occasion and played uno, mafia, and this moose spotting dice game I purchased in Soldotna.  It was a lot of fun and a great way to unify our district.

Melatonin:  Whoever said melatonin helps you sleep was wrong.  Maybe it helps you to fall asleep, but twice I have woken up in the middle of the night wide awake after having taken melatonin to fall asleep.  The first time wasn't as bad since I was able to fall back asleep, but Saturday night I woke up around 3am and couldn't fall back asleep for the rest of the night.  My mind just started thinking about so many things and eventually I was writing a song.  I was tired all day Sunday, but not as tired as I would have thought.  I was strong and didn't come home and take a nap because I felt that this would help me to fall asleep faster without melatonin.  I can say I slept through the night and was actually well rested when I got up this morning to take a shower.

Sent from ALASKA!
Sister Shelley Willden

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