Happy New Year ! This week went by faster than I thought it would. It was slow up until Christ so I thought it would be the same before New Years, but the service around here keeps us busy. Last Monday for P-Day we did our own White Elephant gift exchange but the only requirement for the gifts was that it had to be funny. I ended up getting a shirt with the poop emoji with the Snapchat rainbow mouth effect.
Tuesday leading up to our zone conference we practice twice that day. Our duet is turning out much better than how it started which made me less stressed to perform it Friday. We went finding after district lunch and then had a lesson with a less active. She has been a member for 5 years and says she doesn't know a lot but when we were teaching her aspects of the Restoration she seems to understand it fairly well.
Wednesday will forever be service day for me. Even though we have service here everyday it is the day we spend almost all day doing it. Over the weekend I talked with Jen, one of the ladies who does service for the farm too, about her believes and she had mentioned that she just believes differently than us. While at the farm I asked her specifically what beliefs she had that differ from what she understood what we believe. She had mentioned the Trinity (that she says we don't believe in) and that doesn't believe the Book of Mormon. I asked her if she would read some articles about that she said she would. So for studies this week, I had printed off the two-part talk by Holland, "The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Hath Sent" and "My Words ... Never Cease" talking about the Godhead being three distinct beings and about the Book of Mormon. I printed them off and highlighted portions and added my own notes to them. She is big into research so it is great that Jeffery R. Holland give a lot of scriptural sources. I also want her to read one of my favorite talks called The Book of Moron--a Word of God by Tad R. Callister. Hopefully she can at least understand more of what we believe and how they aren't really that different from what she believes.
Thursday our day was pretty packed. I wanted to have things scheduled in advance so a couple of days prior we texted people if we could come visit them and then have members come too, if needed, and it worked out great. We met with our Relieve Society President on how we can help, met with a less active who is a single male so we brought a member with us and then had a lesson with a member who lives pretty far away down a road called Funny River. We usually do "Funny River" trips where we try to spend as much time there when we are there because it is a big part of our area that takes ti,me to drive to and from.
Friday was our zone conference. We had two sets of missionaries in our zone go home Wednesday (because they completed their missions and needed to get home for schooling) so we were down in number of missionaries at the conference. This conference lasts from 10:30am to 5:30pm. We are provided lunch which we had pizza and salad and really good cookies that we tried our hardest not to go home with because we have so much sweets still from Christmas. Elder Cook and I sang our duet and while it wasn't perfect, it was still pretty good. I am just glad that is now over.
Though what we are to do at nights when no one wants to see us and it is dark outside now? We'll find out. The conference went really well. There is an elder in our district that is only a transfer behind me and is pretty short and has a baby face. We all think it but I was the biggest crack-up when President Robinson asked if he even shaves yet and that he looks like a twelve-year-old. If only we had recorded that moment. The training's were pretty great and, as always, there is something brought up that comes to mind that we need to work on. I think that it is a universal thing for our zone or any missionary about waking up on time. We are struggling with this but are in the process of getting up earlier. It is hard to wake up right at 6:30am, so we are working the clock backwards to get our habit again waking up on time. It is definitely one of my New Year's Resolutions.
Saturday for our New Year's Eve celebration we were all invited to a member's house in the Sterling Ward who made us dinner and we played the game Signs. We had to be in our apartments by 7:30pm, so we went in and Sister Williams and I played Pug-opoly. She loves pugs so a member got her the monopoly game for Christmas. We also were given the challenge to make a lip sync video for our P-Day for today so we'll see who wins that out of the companionships. With the past Mission President missionaries created an Album called AAM with missionaries making up songs. We have some that talk about mission life and they are funny because they are true. Sister Williams and I did our lip sync to a song called Companionship Inventory where it talks about elders recalling a hard time in their missions when they served together as zone leader in Chugach (an area in Alaska).
We each played a part and it turned out very well but due to the lack of apps we can use we don't have access to apps that make music videos so they are just email video clips for each scene. We can play it all together with the slideshow feature in the photos app. I'm pretty sure we will win.
Sunday was different because we have 9:00am church again. It makes it a bit harder on a mission because we have to attend Ward Council in the morning at 7:30am. We got there on time to find out that they weren't having the meeting this morning. The rest of the day went pretty well. We had this awesome fried Halibut for dinner at Danny's which was to die for.
Sent from ALASKA !
Sister Shelley Willden
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